Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Post Feb26

1. What I did this week with FLASH

- set up to start the FLASH ... choose "Action script 3.0"
-frame size 400 px 400 px
-View > Grid > Edit > 20px x 20px
         > Snap > Snap Grid
-make a start button ... click and F8, and create a symbol > delete ( in  library)
-make a gradient sky ... Gradients > Linear Gradient > Add Swatch > rectangle tool 
                                     > choose size > F8 > name > Graphic > delete ( in library)
-make a tree ... pencil (stroke 3.00) > pencil mode > smooth > draw > paint bucket tool
                        > paint in > double click > group it > create a symbol > delete ( in library)
-make a car... pencil and paint bucket > make tires > draw outline for the car > color in 
                      > create a symbol and delete
-adjust the driver ... download the driver > place him > double click > break down 
                               > adjust his parts 
-make houses ... same as others
-make a new layer for sky ... to resize the sky > selection tool > Deselect Width and Height deselect 
                                                     > change size 
-add grass, road, and title field on building layer
Free Transform-make a new layer and take out tree from the library ... transform tool > adjust
-extend frames ... click in frame 60 in the layer > F8 
-create motions  ... make a car layer > adjust the size 
                              and place it on the right side > 
                              create tweet > selection tool > Insert > Motion Tween 
                             > click in the frame 60 > Hold down the Shift key and drag the car to                                the other side of the Stage
-add sound ... import the sound > make a new layer "horn " > click in frame 30 > F6
                      > drag the sound on the stage > click in frame 30 > contol > play ( listen)
-add actionscript ... make a new layer "action" > F9 > type "stop();"
-add button ... add a new layer "button" > drag start button > edit > edit symbol 
                      > add a new layer "text" to "button" timeline > Text Tool text tool 
                      > type start movie > adjust > hit "text" layer > F5 > Lock lock icon 
                      > select over frame > F6 > click "fill color box > green > select down frame
                      > F6 > fill color > gold > select hit frame > F6 > edit > edit documents
-filter to the button ... 
Apply Filters selection tool > fliter > add filter buttonAdd Filter Buutton >  gradient bevel
                                              > distance field 2
-add actionscript ...> click button > type start button > click in frame 1 on action panel 
> F9>function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
-control > test movie
- make a new layer > add a tree, title, blog name  
-add filter to button ... filter > drop shawdow


-to create symbol 
Modify > Convert to Symbol or "F8"

-to put frame in 
 Insert > Timeline > Frame or "F5"

-to make it as a key frame
 Insert > Timeline > KeyFrame or "F6"

-to make blank key frame 
Insert > Time line > BlankFrame or "F7"

-to show action panel
Window > Action or "F9"

-ctrl + B = break apart

-ctrl + G = group    or   click the circle in the Frame 

-"Q" it make the item move

-ctrl + "+" = zoom out 

- ctrl + "-" = zoom in 

-hand tool... resets the view

-double click the item... opens it

-to add layer press here ( or have the layer which is the one before the layer you will make active and Insert > Timeline > Layer)

Friday, February 12, 2016


What did this week...
- redo the letters to make the background transparent
- cut the letters from some pictures
- put a animated background for the post
- put blog name on each work
- put overlays and change the blending using the blending option 

What I learned...
-how to make the background transparent( file, open, background contents, choose transparent)

-how to merge the layers together(make sure they are not hidden, and right  click and merge)

- ctrl + thumbnail= high lights the letters 

-hide the letter layer and "crtl + shift + J = cuts" out the letters from the picture

- ctrl + t = resizes the picture

-use this to put in the blog name in the photoshop

-make sure to save each photoshop so I dont have to go back and do it again each time

-put another overlay and click "normal" to change the blending of overlay

-change background advance!
*<div style="background:url(-------);background-size:cover;">
and put </div> at the end of the text so you can only put background until you want

*<div style="background:url(-------");>...</div>

*<div style="background:url(-------);background-repeat:no-repeat;">
and it won't repeat the picture for the background

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday POST

What I did this week:

made a blog, put the bus sign, made an avatar, used the HTML to post the animated letters, created letters from erasing the waste part 

What I learned:

- how to set the printer when it is not in the desktop (\\acs-dco1)
- how to set up to make the blog (choose the URL)
- how to add gadget to the blog
- how to post animated letters using the HTML 
- how to use generator (how to change the background put
<div style=”background: (color);”> in the beginning of generator)
- "/" stand for the end
- how to use the eraser to get red of the part I don't need (also can change the size)

- how to crop the picture
- change the size units to pixel (edits,preferences,units&rulers)
- how to make sure if I erased all place I want (click the one on the right side)
- how to put the letters on the blog (change it to small, put the picture between <tr> and <tr>
-Border="0" add Height="50" width="50"

<photoshop shortcuts>
Ctrl + thumbnail = highlight
Ctrl + D         = unhighlight
Ctrl + Z         = undo

Ctrl + Alt + Z   = many undo